From Ellie Karamati Nielsen:
The time for inviting friends and fellow skaters to synchro has arrived!
For the month of April we will be doing a special for team members and friends of our skaters who would like to come and try synchro! Below is a list of all of the different classes being offered as well as level requirements for each one. We encourage all skaters to attend these clinics so that we can not only work on various elements that will go towards the programs next year, but so that we can also watch your skaters with other team members at various levels. Please feel free to forward this announcement on to anyone who may be interested.
April Murray Clinics:
Time: 4:00-4:45pm
Dates: April 3, 10, 17, and 24
Cost: $8 drop in fee or $25 for all 4 sessions paid in advance. The last few minutes of each session we will run the Alice program to make sure you remember for the upcoming shows we have scheduled.
Level Requirements*: For skaters who are working on Juvenile moves and BELOW, who are 12 and older, or who are currently on the Alice team.
*Exceptions may be made, but you must speak with a coach in advance.
April Cottonwood Clinics:
Time: 5:45-6:45 pm
Dates: April 3, 10, 17, 24, and May 8
Cost: $10 drop in fee or $40 for all 5 sessions paid in advance. The last few minutes of each session we will run the Lady Gaga and Jungle Book programs to make sure that both teams remember their programs.
Level Requirements (two different ones*):
For skaters who are working on their Intermediate Moves or HIGHER, who are older than 12 years old, or who are on the Lady Gaga team.
For skaters who are working on their Pre-Juvenile Moves or HIGHER, who are under 14 years old (exceptions may be made), or who are on the Jungle Book team.
*Exceptions for both of these team requirements may be made, but you must speak with a coach in advance.
May Murray Clinics:
Time: 4:00-4:45 pm
Dates: May 15, 29, and June 5
Cost: $8 drop in fee, or $20 for all 3 sessions paid in advance.
Level Requirements: These clinics are for skaters who have passed Pre-Preliminary Moves or higher. We will be doing this clinic class for all of our teams.
Please let all skaters who may be interested in trying synchro know so they can try it out to see if synchro is something that they would enjoy! Also keep in mind that if your friends are on any other synchro teams (not affiliated with Star Lit Blades), please do not ask them. We do not want to solicit or tamper with other synchro teams in the state. They are welcome to join us at the completion of their season as long as they are in good standing with their current teams.
We are also planning on holding tryouts on June 23rd. Times will be sent as soon as they are available but are tentatively set for 5:30-7:00 pm.
Below is a list of teams we are considering for next season and the general guidelines we will be following in the placement of each skater onto each team. These follow USFS Guidelines, but we also set our own team requirements based on our needs and goals. Remember that these may change as we move forward and continue on to tryouts. If you have questions or concerns about your skaters’ team placement, contacting us before tryouts to discuss it would be best. Once teams are set there will be NO changes made. We reserve the right to make any exceptions and any final decisions we see fit for the program and teams.
Beginner/Preliminary Team: For skaters who are 12 and under (majority under 10) who are working to test their Pre-Preliminary Moves in the Field test. These skaters should feel comfortable with forward and backwards crossovers.
Pre-Juvenile Team: For skaters who are majority under the age of 12. These skaters should be close to testing their Pre Juvenile Moves in the Field test or higher, or should be members of the Jungle Book team. These skaters should also feel comfortable with twizzles and double three turns.
Open Juvenile (Teen) Team: For skaters who are over the age of 12 who are working on their Pre-Preliminary Moves in the Field test. These skaters are most likely new to the sport and are wanting to get more advanced in synchronized Skating. These skaters should be very comfortable with forward and backward crossovers, outside and inside three turns, mowhawks, half flips, and forward and backward edges.
Open Juvenile Team: For skaters who are over the age of 12 and under 20, who are working on their Pre-Juvenile Moves in the Field test, or who were previously on the Alice team. These skaters will be pushed to strive for a higher level of Open Juvenile then they were at last season. Skaters should be very comfortable with forward and backwards three turns and mowhawks. Skaters should also be working on twizzles, double three turns, and backward power three turns.
Intermediate Team: For skaters who are under the age of 18 (preferably at least 12), who are working on their Intermediate Moves in the Field test, or who were previously on the Lady Gaga team. These skaters should be comfortable with double twizzles, double three turns, backward power three turns, rockers, counters, brackets, choctaws, and other various difficult turns. Skaters should also be comfortable with edge spirals, back lunges, hyrdro blades, and other gliding moves.
Adult Team: For skaters who are over the age of 18, but most of the team must be over 21. Skaters should be working on their Intermediate moves or the equivalent. These skaters should be comfortable with double twizzles, double three turns, backward power three turns, rockers, counters, brackets, choctaws, and other various difficult turns. Skaters should also be comfortable with edge spirals, back lunges, hyrdro blades, and other gliding moves.
We also want to remind you that all skaters need to be taking private lessons and need to be skating at least two freestyle/skating sessions to be eligible for tryouts. This requirement is set because our goal is the increase the level and difficulty of programs each season and throughout the season. If skaters are not working outside of synchronized skating sessions the team as a whole can not progress the same way. Please stay current on your private lessons and skating sessions.
Thanks and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you or your interested skaters have any questions or concerns.